Penn Capital

The opportunity to rebrand Penn Capital held a personal significance for me, as their previous branding was a familiar sight from my childhood in Pennsylvania. This shared background facilitated an immediate connection, fostering a seamless and enjoyable collaboration based on mutual understanding and appreciation of their heritage and local environment.

The primary objective with Penn Capital was to craft a brand identity that embodied professionalism, cleanliness, and modernity. Following an extensive research phase, we smoothly transitioned into prototyping and development, ensuring each step was executed with precision and care.

In line with the new brand identity, the design for the stationary was conceived to resonate with the updated look and feel, while prioritizing practical considerations such as ease of printing and cost-effectiveness in terms of ink usage. This meticulous attention to detail ensured the stationary not only aligned with Penn Capital's revamped aesthetic but also adhered to pragmatic production requirements.
Please Note: The designs presented are often conceptual mockups, implemented to safeguard proprietary information.

Final Products

The culmination of our efforts resulted in a transformative brand identity overhaul and a new website for our client. Their aspiration to be perceived as a major contender in the industry necessitated a branding strategy that would unequivocally communicate their stature and ethos. Branding serves as the silent ambassador of a firm, conveying its values and aspirations even in the absence of direct communication. It was imperative that every aspect of the brand's visual and communicative elements accurately embody what the firm stands for, ensuring that the brand's message resonates clearly and effectively with its intended audience.

Unused Designs

In the realm of design, the journey from conception to completion is marked by numerous iterations, evolving ideas, and the occasional shelved concept. These projects, particularly the more expansive ones, can span weeks, months, or even years, encompassing a range of activities from back-end development to design alterations and stakeholder approvals. In this section, I offer a glimpse into the parts of the process that, while not ultimately realized in the final product, highlight the depth and breadth of the creative journey. These unused elements serve to illuminate the comprehensive nature of the design process, showcasing the exploratory paths that contribute to the refinement and eventual realization of the project.

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